Organisational Change

We like to think of organisational health as a living and breathing entity. It has a unique heartbeat and, even in the face of dysfunction or challenge, is capable of change, renewal and reinvigoration through intentional organisational change.

Through a powerful process of collaborative enquiry and intervention, Savi’s will find your teams’ unique strengths, uncover any dysfunction that’s in the way and ignite a capacity to redefine team performance.

The Org Health Check
Custom Action Plan

The Org Health Check is tangible action plan that’s custom built for your workplace, and is the foundational work that Savi does with teams. It builds a collective understanding of what success means; connecting with your people in a way that nurtures honest conversation and collaboration, and finding the simplest, most practical ways to get you — and keep you — on track.

The Process

Savi’s superpower is our ability to build genuine trust with people at lightning speed. Our only interest is what’s best for your team or organisation. There’s no fluff, no hidden agenda, just a genuine desire to help you be at your best, individually and together.

We’re quickly able to understand what’s driving the need for the health check, and just as quickly build rapport and trust with team members so that we can get to the heart of the problem.

From this point we use a combination of fully-customised team surveys, as well as interviews and focus groups to gently but thoroghly tease out the themes that play out in your team’s workplace.

The Product

We’ll take this work away to design a Roadmap and Action Plan. The plan will draw upon the insights we’ve drawn, and identify the one or two real actions you need to take to address any dysfunction and see your team turn the corner.

We’ll deliver and present:

  • A clear, concise document that explores what we’ve discovered

  • Actions and recommendations to grow the health of your team or workplace

The Program

You’ll have the opportunity to further bring our work to life through a series of:

  • Workshops to more deeply explore and create a Team Canvas: Savi’s tool that finds alignment, builds resilience, enhances wellbeing and opens the way for ongoing sustainable delivery.

  • Mentoring programs tailored specifically for leadership teams, providing ongoing check-ins and support as they strive to make real shifts in their team culture

  • Embedding an Emotional Culture: Working with your team on how to translate your organisational values into the practical, everyday things that matter the most for your team.

Organisational Health Checks are great for:

Existing teams

Invest in your team with intention, every year. An annual Health Check will help grow the capacity and capabilities of your entire team and turn your culture into one of curiosity, collaboration and high performance.

New teams

Get your team off to its best start — right from day one. Achieve true team alignment by exploring your shared values and purpose, as well as communication, collaboration and leadership styles.

Problem teams

Does your team have a problem, but you don’t know what it is? Or even if it’s “valid”? Our Health Checks provide a practical, tangible way to work it out.

Through our gentle, engaging approach, Savi will create a space where everyone feels safe and valued; helping you to establish:

  • What is the real problem?

  • How can you resolve it?

  • The best opportunities available to resolve it with ease and impact.

Would you like to work with Savi?

Get in touch today for a confidential chat about your workplace health.